You respond to a sentence of Marine Le Pen, who proposed yesterday (RTL) that is pushed in international waters migrants from North Africa and want to enter Europe. For you, this proposal is outrageous - and the silence of politicians unworthy.
should perhaps put this silence on behalf of the consideration. If one intends to Marine Le Pen, it must reject the high seas of people fleeing their countries, mainly Tunisia and Libya. They should stop military - she said - and Marine Le Pen justifies this position by the need not to widen our social deficits by what she calls "a wave of additional immigration. This is the translation, first degree, a slogan that even his father never dared to utter aloud: "The Arabs in the sea!" So, there we are. These are the words of a candidate in the presidential election approaching 20% in the polls. And no politician no protests. The arms me fall.
Maybe the politicians are saying that Marine Le Pen holds out a trap and it is best to ignore it?
If the explanation is serious. Because it seems that at this time we launch a "great debate" for less than that. Here, it is not to debate, but to denounce. To say that there are things that are not acceptable - or is that one accepts them. Nobody can imagine that we would send to drowning all those people who flee countries where chaos and violence after the dictatorship. Nobody, and Marine Le Pen is known. What she seeks in saying it to provoke a situation where she would be alone against all, the theme of the French defend the poor burdened by debt because of bad immigrants. Well, I think on this point, and for once, he must give reason. And show that it is, indeed, alone against all. Only propose solutions to problems barbarians doing everything to make it scary.
But is that many French people do not care about the situation in the Maghreb and the influx of immigrants that could cause it? Nicolas Sarkozy also spoke Sunday evening .
True, but he did promise to "protect" France, while telling the French not to be afraid. It was rather contradictory. The truth is that the UMP wants to show voters tempted by the FN, it is also concerned with these issues. The problem is it does not advance proposals - and that the left does not speak, except to denounce the attitude of the right. The example of the pseudo-debate on Islam is typical: what counts is not the answer, but the question. It postulates that Islam is a problem in France, when in reality only fundamentalism poses problems, and in all religions. But it does so for purely electoral reasons, and especially by doing so, it legitimates a vision that is racism. From Nicolas Sarkozy, is a posture of sorcerer's apprentice.
After calls for vigilance Alain Juppe and François Fillon, the UMP air to reverse ...
the better, but to some extent the damage is done. This is what Jean-Marie Le Pen called vanity with the "Lepenization minds". Today, we are in the "marinization" debate. While Nicolas Sarkozy and the UMP are the coaster, but their whole attitude in recent weeks gives the impression that our politicians observe the Arab revolution as a threat, and not primarily as a tremendous advance. Ah, the world was so quiet when dictators ruled ...