> Human Rights: assessment of a year in the Sarkozy era
In its annual report, the League of Human Rights denounced the worsening human rights abuses and civil liberties in France. What is the outcome of the first year in office Nicolas Sarkozy in terms of human rights? Why does it evokes the stifling of democracy?
The report suggests a "break presidentialism" no democratic institution has withstood the turmoil of Nicolas Sarkozy. The government is more collegial manner. We see ministers who appear then disappear. They are scolded or praised. The only real governing is ultimately the President himself and, besides, he pays the price since having all concentrated in his hands, he also focused criticism against his person. The parliament vote
reforms as we said when we told him, even if it does not fail to raise discontent increasingly widespread within the majority itself, even within government itself (episode of the passage of the law on GMOs, for example).
In terms of justice, the Justice Minister has said herself that they were not judges there to enforce the law but to enforce the will of 53% of French people who have elected Nicolas Sarkozy to renew the authority. We see how the separation of powers and the very meaning of our institutions are threatened. Confused because the French people with a majority of presidential transition, passing the will of one man for the law is very disturbing.
There was also runs compared to secularism on which, in essence, the personal convictions of the president replace the republican tradition. There is a breakdown of institutions and values. From this point of view, the fact that Nicolas Sarkozy wants you to rewrite the preamble to the Constitution, which contains the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, does nothing to reassure us ...
From the perspective of social law, we find that, over the penal state increases, the welfare state is shrinking. There are two times more inmates than thirty years ago in France. The law on recidivism and those on preventive detention will not fix anything, let alone undocumented aliens. We tend, as Nicolas Sarkozy aspires to the American model with hyper-repressive laws and a profound questioning of our social model.
Seven years ago, there was parliamentary reports on the alarming situation in French prisons. People were scared, including the RPR who spoke of "embarrassment to the Republic." What has been done since then? We now have 63,000 inmates to 50,000 seats. All foreign observers who visited our prisons reported that they were making machines delinquency. And the response of our president is that we'll go from 60,000 to 80,000 inmates ...
We want to punish without ever addressing the root causes of the problem: education and lack of social ties. Only these themes there do not pay electorally because it takes time and costs money. Conversely, do any punitive costs nothing and it can recover far-right voters. The security discourse does not produce security. It produces insecurity that can pick up electoral dividends. The purpose of security policies is not to increase security, but to find the conditions for the recovery of the electorate of the extreme right ...
We really a contradictory situation. Nicolas Sarkozy had been very hard on Jacques Chirac during his campaign. He explained to us, including his predecessor Vladimir Putin had set before him and that would be brave to face the despot. He also gave a great speech to the ambassadors in September, explaining that human rights would be central to the foreign policy of France. Result: not happy to have met with President Putin, he was the only leader of the largest democracies in the parliamentary elections said that Russia had fully unfolded. Do not even mention the welcome Colonel Gaddafi when he came to Paris or the extension of French Africa policy.
And then there was recently this incredible speech in Tunis, where Nicolas Sarkozy has finally recommended to President Ben Ali to continue to torture and imprison political dissidents because it suits everyone. Nicolas Sarkozy is not even at the level of George Bush who has received, as Angela Merkel, Dalai Lama. Our head of state is the opposite of what he had said during the presidential campaign.
We do not make the naïve, but there are limits on indecency. China is a big market indeed. But Tunisia? If we can not even tell a country like Tunisia that he must respect human rights, one may ask we'll say ...
Atlanticist policy of Nicolas Sarkozy, the rapprochement with the U.S. President, this fascination with the world across the Atlantic, however mark a real break with the policies of his predecessor. A break with the Gaullist simply.
Mrs Yade is playing politics for twenty years. But it is increasingly clear that his role is that of family photo during the presentation of the government. It represents, with others, diversity. This in itself is also a very good thing. But seeing
facts: sometimes forgets Nicolas Sarkozy at the airport before leaving (in China), sometimes she accompanies him to Tunis but was not allowed to speak (July 2007).
There is also this statement at the reception of Colonel Gadhafi had explained that he or she should not receive the December 10, day of human rights, but on the 11th. As if to shake hands with dictators was less severe the aftermath of a symbolic commemoration rather than on the day. All this is just pathetic ...
The actress is not fooling anyone. Mrs Yade is a screen media. Unfortunately it no longer meets its Office because everyone sees through.
Source: Annual Report of the LDH, presented by Jean-Pierre Dubois (President of the League of Human Rights)
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