Monday, June 2, 2008

Gifs Naruto Shippuden

> Release: Deletion of the two historic title of the press

Local representatives of the "major" political parties (including the modem 88) have partnered in a joint statement in defense of pluralism written information in the Vosges, the very essence of democracy:

It follows from the Constitution of the French Republic, adopted 50 years ago in 1958, the role of political parties in the functioning of democracy is essential. Responsible for animating the politics, they are key actors in the democratic life which gives them a duty to ensure that all requirements are met.

Thus, the disappearance of the East Republican in late June and Liberty in the East end of 2008 and their replacement by a new journal published from Nancy, announced earlier this week, called by us a collective response and citizen to demonstrate our commitment to both our daily Vosges.

We share first disarray in what should be the number of employees of both newspapers and particularly the 75 people whose positions are eliminated: in a sluggish economy is a situation difficult to accept and overcome, we pledge our full support and our sympathy, and are concerned about the conditions under which they will be reclassified.

We appreciate emulation due to the presence on our territory in eastern and Republican Liberty in the East, it guarantees the pluralism that we cherish. The liquidation of our two daily newspapers under pressure more or less real for free (these are daily non-existent in our department) is detrimental to inform our fellow citizens, is also another blow to the economy Vosges, is mostly a new proof of loss of influence in our department.

Alongside the group's employees, we condemn this mess industrial, human, social and cultural development, we lament the extinction of a voice for democracy in our Vosges.


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