President of Democratic Movement came to our department for 2-day visit "the field". Objective: to show that SMEs have a future. Faced with globalization, against the excesses and global financial problems, small businesses and industry dynamics, the "real" economy, manage to take their game, provided they innovate and give a thoughtful approach.
In our district, have been observed and the company "Knitting des Vosges (SMEs with 250 employees that sells socks branded" Blue Forest "and leaning mostly on the quality, skills, creativity and responsiveness) and Socopa (company created in 1967 precursor to the backbone wood and achieves a turnover of 15 million euros with a workforce of 100 employees, turning now to the passive house).
The economic development of our valleys are not limited to these examples. In particular the conditions for the creation, development and transmission of very small business, commercial and craft enterprises are equally decisive. The issue of quality tourism in a protected environment is also part of the reflection. This requires a coherent spatial planning and aid allocations. We had already developed these themes during the electoral campaign last year. Today more than ever, given the financial crisis we are facing, as banks lend less and / or at rates less attractive.
Do not mean giving up, but to be imaginative and think of "quality". The decline in purchasing power encourages each of us spending more thoughtful and sustainable. Another business model that ultra consumption for years 90-2000 indeed ...
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