Despite media manipulation, no one is fooled if the private sector is productive, it is through this that the public sector enables it to be: keeping people healthy by providing training and qualification to adapt to working arrangements, maintaining security in the country, allowing travel, etc..
The French are no less intelligent than people in other countries. It's not worth (to want) to make them believe that reality is very complex and they can not understand. Everyone has understood that today we are in a difficult economic situation and the need to stick together. Simply, it is really everyone pulling together and especially those trying to give the lesson and to renew the explanations already heard 1000 times ... How could the TV license fee increases, while at the same time elected officials supposed to represent the people in the Senate (to mention only the tip of the iceberg) continue to receive benefits always most important? How to understand that Secretary of State for Youth and Sports is planning to visit for 10 days in Polynesia to "observe" the situation local sports, while the debate on Sunday work for employees still relevant? How to interpret billion provided (by the state, thus our taxes) to banks and large companies, and despite (thanks to?) It takes a continued interest for the shareholders of those banks and companies?. ..
Today, everyone knows that the deep crisis in which we find comes from the excessive speculation the kingdom of money king. President Sarkozy had promised during the recent presidential campaign, to restore all its meaning and its value at work. He repeated it again a few days before the frameworks of "his" political party. Now what do we see in practice? Speculation is encouraged and continues to produce profits for those who already live fairly well, while trainload of redundancies are announced all over our planet. This is clearly stated in the translation of the facts that will give value to the work.
this is probably the most important message events today: this sharp warning addressed to decision makers in our country who could be tempted to return to the chimerical fantasies of easy money and speculation. This need is reaffirmed, that we must base the economic system of value added generated by the work (and thus by the workers, do not be afraid of the word). Make no mistake: the power belongs to those so far who have money. The promises of reform of the capitalist system are merely effects of crisis listing. Only public pressure could change this state of mind and temptations to build on a system that has held so far. Being on strike and in the street today is a clear message to our elected officials that we are entitled to the fruits of our labor. And nothing else!