Family benefits, premium-transport, boost the purchase of housing, Livret A, UI ... Here is what is changing in early January 2009: FAMILY
. 3% increase in family benefits: family allowances, provision of services for young children (Paje), family income supplement, increase assistance to the family for the use of a childminder, childcare allowance for disabled children, single parents, among others. Thus, a family with two children will receive 123.92 euros child allowance, the monthly basic allowance of 177.95 euros Paje passes.
. The maximum amount of contributions to the Aged (allowance for childcare at home) is revalued by 1.5%.
. Housing subsidies (housing allowances, individual housing, fixed charges) are adjusted by 2.95%.
. Employees the private sector unwilling to retire at age 65 can extend their service until age 70, even without the agreement of their employer.
. As of 2009, pensions will be adjusted on April 1 and January 1.
SOCIAL SECURITY The Social Security ceiling, used for calculating certain social contributions (pensions, other retirement plans in particular) will increase to 2,859 euros per month, an increase of 3.1%.
The RMI RMI is revalued by 1.5% from 1 January, to 454.63 euros (for a single person without children)
. January 5, is put in place the new organization resulting from the merger between the ANPE and Assedic job center.
. The social partners are pronounced in early January on the reform of unemployment insurance, which amends the rules on compensation for new job seekers (from 1 January 2009) and provides for lower premiums under certain conditions (from 1 July).
. On January 1, partial unemployment is compensated on the basis of 60% of gross hourly wages, instead of 50% (text to be initialed by the social partners).
. 1.1% tax on income Heritage to finance income solidarité active (RSA) established on 1 July 2009, replacing the particular RMI.
. Global cap on tax loopholes to 25,000 euros plus 10% of taxable income.
. Limit on certain niches that previously offered tax advantages without limitation (investment in overseas territories, furnished rentals ..).
. Maintaining the half-tax share paid to a parent who raised a child alone for at least five years beyond the 26-year-old child. The half-share was previously granted without limit of five years.
. The license fee (116 euros per year) must be indexed on inflation, and should be between 118 and 119 euros.
. Increase the price of passports, biometrics become: 60 to 89 euros for adults, 30 to 45 euros for ages 15-18. Free for far less than 15 years, it will now cost 20 euros.
's monopoly on Livret A: January 1, all French banks will distribute the Livret A, hitherto reserved to Banque Postale and Caisses d'Epargne.
. Housing: Higher rates of between 2 and 5%
. Health: Mutual will raise fares on average 3.5 to 4% to offset the effect of a new tax to fund health insurance. Private insurance will also increase their rates.
. Self: stabilizing or declining rates (up to -4%)
. Doubling of interest-free loan to purchase a new home in 2009 (January 15).
. Tax reduction for the purchase of a new home, for rent, before December 31, 2012. The reduction, spread over 9 years is equal to 20% of the cost of acquisition.
. Prime-Transportation: employers must take pay half the subscription for public transportation for their employees for their commuting (Decree forthcoming).
. The station is expected to announce in January a discount card for poor families and single parent families (in terms of income).
. Ile-de-France, the Carte Orange in February disappears, replaced by Navigo. ROAD SAFETY
. Mandatory training for three hours for motorcycles with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cm3 and a power up to 11 kW (15 hp).
. Annualization of the eco-surcharge on the most polluting cars: 160 euros per year for vehicles emitting more than 250g of CO2 per kilometer. For vehicles purchased and registered for the first time in France from 1 January 2009.
. The bonus-malus system with the purchase of a car is maintained: bonus for new cars emitting less than 130 g / km CO2 up to 1,000 euros, penalties for those emitting over 160 g / km CO2, which disabled are exempt.
. Launching a EcoPrĂȘt to zero to help individuals to finance the work of thermal insulation or energy renovation of their main residence.
End of January 5 advertising for public television stations between 20:00 and 6:00 in the morning, before a complete removal by the end of 2011.
Autonomy for 20 pilot universities (of 85) who will manage their own budgets.
. Deletion of 55 commercial courts.
. Guardianship: entry into force of the "mandate for future protection," which lets you specify for oneself or for a disabled child, one or more proxies in the event of future incapacity.
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