Thursday, June 19, 2008

Something Fun To Write In A Card

Lyon-Leon-art research laboratory in sign language Gallo-Romain de St Romain en Gal (69) -

of 12 to 20 June 2008 -


For the 2nd season, LAB LEON ACTOR confronts artists deaf and hearing performers, on their own art in various mediums such as sign language theater, dance, arts-pladtiques (video installation ) and sound design. This laboratory is born of the encounter between different ARTISTS from different backgrounds, deaf and hearing. The artistic team worked on courses ambulatory / interactive meetings of improvisations from their daily work in sign language.

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Location: The Gardens of the Gallo-Roman Museum (for performance)
Under the cherry tree (for coffee Sign ')
The lobby of the museum (for the installation of benches, vibrating)
The lobby (for video installation of Silence-age) Happy
Sign 'Hours (Auditorium)

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- The 12
, 13, 14-Rehearsals artistic team in the gardens of the museum

The 14-Stage practice Theatre in Sign Language led by Carine Pauchon, open to adults and soda with a hearing or not pratque theater
Number Space is limited to 12 people
Book: The

17,18,19 (15h)-Performance of the artistic team

17,18,19 The video installation AGE OF SILENCE-proposed by Sam Quentin (videographer) and Carine Pauchon (dancer)

17,18,19 The Sound Design (vibratory bench-Infrabass) proposed by the composer Francois Lamy

17,18,19 The Coffee SIGN 'proposed by the project's artistic team Leon (company In-Time) and cultural mediators Museum

20, HAPPY SIGN 'HOURS (FLSA presence of interpreters of the company In-Time-Isabelle Guicherd and Michel Pascal)
(14h/14h30) Released from the sociological study of a group of Eudier University Lyon 2
(14h30/15h30) Released Anthropological Study of Helen Hougouneq (EHESS-student Yves Delaporte)

(15h30/16h) Creation EMPTY-text of Frederick Houdaer-staging with Carine Pauchon-Anthony Guyon, Sam Quentin, François Lamy, Carine Pauchon
(16h30/17h) Discussion between audience and performers and then finding the residence

Programming: Company In-Time -http: / /
Gallo-Roman Museum of St Romain en Gal or

---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Artists: Carine Pauchon, Kheira lamad, Cecile Nicol Fanélie Danger, Matilda Berard, Anthony Guyon, Marie Oury, François Lamy, SAm Quentin Pacalon Sabines.
Teams of interpreters: Emli Dert, Pascal Michel, Isabelle Guicherd
Production Manager: Anne Tréton
Co-Productions: Rhône-Alpes, DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Department of Rhône-Gallo-Roman Museum of St Romain en Gal / Vienna, Airline In-Time.
Support: The University Lyon 2, University Pari8, Studio Lucien-Denis PLASSARD company and various associations of deaf culture in the Rhône-Alpes (Keys, Visual, Atoutsignes) e other regions of France.

What Does The 2 Bracelets Connected Mean

> Rates unemployment or poverty cache? ...

7.2% unemployment rate, but this figure hides? Primarily the working poor, precarious part-time, poorly paid and do not live decently. The other figure is also over 12% of the French population that lives below the poverty line (ie 60% of the median wage is € 817 per month for one person *), and behind this 7.2% is an evolution of 21% of the working poor since 2003. (Source: National Observatory of Poverty **)

The objective of N. Sarkozy is 5%, and all means will be good, provided they do not cost anything. First step, the bill aimed at punishing job seekers. The labor market will become the only market regulated by the state, although the benefit on employers, because these measures will only stigmatize the job seeker.

Apart from the method that is deplorable, it's actually a nice sleight of passes that the government is trying, as these unjust measures, will in fact lead to a significant decrease in compensation, so contributions and allow transfer those contributions to unemployment pensions and avoiding an increase in business costs. But

The most serious is that this measure will allow companies to hire the lowest cost by forcing employees to take positions corresponding to 57% of their previous salary, jobs they can not refuse (26% job seekers have been unemployed for over a year ...). These measures will also have a counterproductive effect induced between each other on the mobility of employees accepted, or that mobility is a key factor in the modernization of the labor market by helping to make it more dynamic.

is a "settlement" of the unemployment issue purely accounting, and in no way a lasting solution. While we should, like our European partners, and enjoy the effect of the pyramid to efficiently invest in the training of pupils and students, and effective measures to accompany the return to employment. For let there be no mistake, the drop in unemployment figures is primarily the decline in the ratio between the number of young "immigrants" (the market) and former active "runners" (retired). Mechanically, stable economic situation, unemployment must fall because there are now more retirements than applicants entering the job market ...

Finally, these guidelines stigmatize new job seekers to look back and they are solely responsible for their fate, and therefore the only ones to bear the burden of reintegration evil warranty. We expect the measures will be taken against companies that lay off their older employees, while refusing to hire and train young people ... What is the right age to work? ... Jean-Charles

* In 2004, 10% of full-time employees earned less than 1,005 euros net per month, and half have seen a net monthly salary of less than 1,484 euros. The pay, said median is down 0.4% from 2003. This is what set him on the "poverty line" her half French by criterion of 3.5 million "poor", 60% according to European criteria or 7 million people affected in France.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Gifs Naruto Shippuden

> Release: Deletion of the two historic title of the press

Local representatives of the "major" political parties (including the modem 88) have partnered in a joint statement in defense of pluralism written information in the Vosges, the very essence of democracy:

It follows from the Constitution of the French Republic, adopted 50 years ago in 1958, the role of political parties in the functioning of democracy is essential. Responsible for animating the politics, they are key actors in the democratic life which gives them a duty to ensure that all requirements are met.

Thus, the disappearance of the East Republican in late June and Liberty in the East end of 2008 and their replacement by a new journal published from Nancy, announced earlier this week, called by us a collective response and citizen to demonstrate our commitment to both our daily Vosges.

We share first disarray in what should be the number of employees of both newspapers and particularly the 75 people whose positions are eliminated: in a sluggish economy is a situation difficult to accept and overcome, we pledge our full support and our sympathy, and are concerned about the conditions under which they will be reclassified.

We appreciate emulation due to the presence on our territory in eastern and Republican Liberty in the East, it guarantees the pluralism that we cherish. The liquidation of our two daily newspapers under pressure more or less real for free (these are daily non-existent in our department) is detrimental to inform our fellow citizens, is also another blow to the economy Vosges, is mostly a new proof of loss of influence in our department.

Alongside the group's employees, we condemn this mess industrial, human, social and cultural development, we lament the extinction of a voice for democracy in our Vosges.

Fertile Cervical Mucus Jelly Blob

Vosges> The Group Is Republican EBRA

The ER group is a simplified joint stock company, composed L'Est Republican, of DNA (98% owned), The Freedom of the East (51%) of the Journal de la Haute-Marne (50%). The Board of Directors approved February 14, 2006 redemption of SA Delaroche, or Pole Rhone-Alpes-burgundy Socpresse, composed especially for Progress, the Dauphiné Libéré, Le Journal de Saone-et-Loire, the Public Good , TLM, Lyon + ... A SAS (simplified joint stock company) was established to form the group EBRA (East-Burgundy-Rhone-Alpes). It is owned by the SO to 51% and Crédit Mutuel to 49%. After a judicial review of GHM (Groupe Hersant Media), a minority shareholder of East Republican, the Ministry of Economy has finally endorse the existence of EBRA who became the first group of French newspapers by circulation.

detailed presentation by the School of Journalism of Lille ->

Healing After Radio Mole Removal

> Departmental Expanded Bureau Meeting on June 6 in Epinal

As agreed at the last meeting this instance, the Bureau County Expanded meet this Friday, June 6 to 19 hours at Epinal.

At the agenda, consideration of draft rules county. And, accordingly, the operating procedures of our daily movement, and the prospect of renewal of proceedings, under this regulation.

• Ballrooms' Decorations

> YES to renewable energy ... but not at any price!

On May 23, various personalities from the world of ecology had gathered at the Col du Bonhomme to express their opinions unfavorable to the installation of wind turbines on ridges Vosges ... This meeting followed the announcement Prefecture of Upper Rhine to create a development zone of 5 wind turbines in the area of the Col du Bonhomme (decree dated 31/01/2008).

Beyond the negative impact on the landscape, it is noted that various studies show that such masts, up to 150 meters, also have a detrimental effect on wildlife, particularly on the cock heather is a flagship species, rare and protected in our mountains.

Before the imperative to increase the share of clean renewable energy, a complete impact study on wind farms in the Vosges region was conducted in March 2006, followed in January 2007 with the creation of a prefecture in Pole Wind county chargé d’examiner d’éventuels projets.

L’étude de 2006 démontre qu’il n’est pas souhaitable d’implanter des éoliennes sur une majeure partie de notre 3ème circonscription. En effet, les « Hautes Vosges granitiques » sont classées comme étant des zones « peu favorables », d’une part à cause de la présence de sites classés “ emblématiques ” comme par exemple la Route des Crêtes, le Haut du Tôt ou la Vallée des Lacs et d’autre part du fait que la “ Vallée de la Moselle ” comporte une trop forte densité de population. Il convient néanmoins de rester vigilent car tout ceci Only recommendations ...

Moreover, during his closing speech at the Grenelle Environment in November last year, Nicolas Sarkozy said: "We will wind primarily on brownfield sites and away from landmarks. I am against any form of precipitation which is ultimately reflected by the degradation of the environment. " Therefore hope that this "promise" not take the same path as other "resolutions presidential" ...

However, our district could very well participate in his own way to develop clean energy grace, as in La Bresse, use water power to generate electricity. Today, La Bresse no fewer than six hydroelectric plants providing a production capacity of 3 400 kW (the equivalent of running average of 5 to 6 wind turbines) and can provide about 8 to 9 million kWh per year, 20% of its population's needs ... it's really not bad!
In addition, the basins of the Moselle and Moselotte are among the densest in France for small hydroelectric dams that were once used to power the mills, spinning and weaving. Many are abandoned, but most of the time, diversions still exist and the work would be limited to renovation, and why not, the development of a local heritage ... then we would kill two birds with one stone !

The term "renewable" so fashionable today would take a lot of sense!