Lyon-Leon-art research laboratory in sign language Gallo-Romain de St Romain en Gal (69) -
of 12 to 20 June 2008 -
For the 2nd season, LAB LEON ACTOR confronts artists deaf and hearing performers, on their own art in various mediums such as sign language theater, dance, arts-pladtiques (video installation ) and sound design. This laboratory is born of the encounter between different ARTISTS from different backgrounds, deaf and hearing. The artistic team worked on courses ambulatory / interactive meetings of improvisations from their daily work in sign language.
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Location: The Gardens of the Gallo-Roman Museum (for performance)
Under the cherry tree (for coffee Sign ')
The lobby of the museum (for the installation of benches, vibrating)
The lobby (for video installation of Silence-age) Happy
Sign 'Hours (Auditorium)
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- The 12
, 13, 14-Rehearsals artistic team in the gardens of the museum
The 14-Stage practice Theatre in Sign Language led by Carine Pauchon, open to adults and soda with a hearing or not pratque theater
Number Space is limited to 12 people
Book: The
17,18,19 (15h)-Performance of the artistic team
17,18,19 The video installation AGE OF SILENCE-proposed by Sam Quentin (videographer) and Carine Pauchon (dancer)
17,18,19 The Sound Design (vibratory bench-Infrabass) proposed by the composer Francois Lamy
17,18,19 The Coffee SIGN 'proposed by the project's artistic team Leon (company In-Time) and cultural mediators Museum
20, HAPPY SIGN 'HOURS (FLSA presence of interpreters of the company In-Time-Isabelle Guicherd and Michel Pascal)
(14h/14h30) Released from the sociological study of a group of Eudier University Lyon 2
(14h30/15h30) Released Anthropological Study of Helen Hougouneq (EHESS-student Yves Delaporte)
(15h30/16h) Creation EMPTY-text of Frederick Houdaer-staging with Carine Pauchon-Anthony Guyon, Sam Quentin, François Lamy, Carine Pauchon
(16h30/17h) Discussion between audience and performers and then finding the residence
Programming: Company In-Time -http: / /
Gallo-Roman Museum of St Romain en Gal or
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Artists: Carine Pauchon, Kheira lamad, Cecile Nicol Fanélie Danger, Matilda Berard, Anthony Guyon, Marie Oury, François Lamy, SAm Quentin Pacalon Sabines.
Teams of interpreters: Emli Dert, Pascal Michel, Isabelle Guicherd
Production Manager: Anne Tréton
Co-Productions: Rhône-Alpes, DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Department of Rhône-Gallo-Roman Museum of St Romain en Gal / Vienna, Airline In-Time.
Support: The University Lyon 2, University Pari8, Studio Lucien-Denis PLASSARD company and various associations of deaf culture in the Rhône-Alpes (Keys, Visual, Atoutsignes) e other regions of France.