Three Egyptian activists posting on social networks, the videos they have taken during demonstrations on Tahrir Square in Cairo on February 7. (Photo credits: rea)
With the army, they engage in dialogue to voice their demands and maintain their "revolution."
Monday night, the third day post-Mubarak. On the eve of Mouled el-Nabi, the celebration of the birth of the Prophet is boiling at the headquarters of al-Gada Liberal Democratic Front of Usama Ghazaly Harb, a figure of the Egyptian political life. In the corridors of the villa nestled in a quiet street in the neighborhood Mohandessine, far from revolutionary clamor Tahrir Square, it is elbow to make room. "Trampled upon" at the time of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian opposition does not want to miss his chance to be heard from his new partner: the army.
We cross the linchpins of the Marxist left and Nasser, the Islamists as Mohamed el-Beltaguy, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, or figures of the dispute, as George Ishak, a veteran of Kefaya ("Enough"), the first movement to be asked, in 2004, the departure of the Almighty rais. We see, especially, young activists and bloggers, who inspired the revolution of 25 January, "they now feel a duty to protect the heritage and achievements.
Difficult cohabitation perspective
face framed by a pink veil, Israa Abdel Fatah listening carefully to stakeholders. "We must come to an agreement on our requests to present a program and timetable for the army," she whispered. Three months ago, the young woman was on the other side of the table to coordinate the control of the independence of parliamentary elections would turn out to massacre the opposition. But the online activists knew that the wind would eventually turn. Israa first: April 6, 2008, she had started on Facebook, already, a call for a general strike, warning shot ignored by rais shut without his ivory tower. Have mastered the art of virtual guerrilla, the "Youth Revolution" know that to weigh on the future, they must now find their place on the political reality and understand the rules of the game " That's why we asked people like Mohamed ElBaradei and Ahmed Zoweil (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Ed), for they make us enjoy their experience, "says Israa. Sitting in a corner of the room, the novelist Alaa el-Aswany, author of the bestseller The Yacoubian Building, and longtime critic of the Mubarak regime, is one of those figureheads. "It was dangerous to have a head that exceeds both the revolution had failed because it could easily have the power to cut or manipulate it, he believes. But now there must be credible representatives. There is no time to lose, because the cons-revolution is underway. Supporters of the plan working behind the scenes to derail the revolution, or the fly. "
Sunday a first group of eight young was mandated to meet the soldiers. At its head, Ahmed Maher, founder of the Movement of April 6, and Wael Ghonim, blogger whose tears shed for the victims of repression, he discovered after eleven days in jail, gave a decisive second wind uplift.
The redesign will take time
"Everyone has made his point of view," says Samir Abdelrahman, a member of the delegation. It called for an acceleration of reforms, a transitional government and the lifting of emergency rule, the army asked the late events and support the recovery of the economy and tourism. We can not even talk about negotiations. It was rather a way to engage in dialogue. "Brown velvet jacket and carefully trimmed goatee, the young man played nervously with her three mobile phones. Representative of the National Coalition for Change by Mohamed ElBaradei, he knows it will be difficult to coexist within the same structure of people with such different ideas. Also difficult to overcome jealousy and questions of precedence between old and young revolutionary opponents, within the "Committees" which will be responsible for proposing reforms and negotiate with the army.
activists are generally aware that recasting the political landscape will take time, and that the military could take the opportunity to consolidate their grip. "The army is very respectable and honest, but being in power can lead to ambitions," said Abdelrahman Samir. Therefore we maintain the pressure so that the promised reforms are implemented. "We will be back on the streets Friday to" celebrate the victory, "said Farah Kamal, a member of the Movement of 25 January. Is repeated if necessary every Friday, not to disrupt traffic too. It is more than ever mobilized! "
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