men carry a coffin to a hospital in Benghazi, Libya, 21 February 2011. © Alaguri / AP / Sipa
A French doctor has assisted in the Libyan city of Benghazi, the massacre of demonstrators. It shows.
Gerard Buffett, 60, has been for a year and a half anesthetist at Benghazi Medical Center. Hospital - 1 200 beds including 300 operational, 16 operating rooms - is the most modern Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya, where the dispute arose. Along with a dozen other French doctors, Gerard Buffet worked there as part of cooperation agreements. Before reaching back to France on Monday, he attended for several days, the fierce repression of protesters by the Libyan security forces.
"We come from hell. As of Wednesday, February 16, there was a frenzy in the population, people were certain that the army would attack them. The repressive forces include the police, army, but mostly Chadian mercenaries, Nigerian, trained in the depths of the Sahara and very well equipped and armed. We saw them go in 4x4, armed to the teeth, it was very impressive. It is impossible to know what they are: some say 5000, others 50,000. They are killing machines. When the son of Gadhafi promised rivers of blood, he knows he has what it takes to do that. Darnah to Tobruk, they committed a massacre, we talk more than a thousand dead.
Benghazi was attacked on Thursday. Our ambulances in the field have relied on the first day, 75 dead, the second 200, then over 500. By the third day, I had morphine and medicine. Initially, the repressive forces were firing on people in the legs and abdomen. Then, the thorax and head. Then we saw mortar rounds, rockets and downright anti-aircraft directly into the crowd. Carnage. People burned, shredded. In total, I think there are more than 2000 dead were filled two hospitals 1500 beds. It has opened children's hospital where Cecilia Sarkozy came in the case of Bulgarian nurses, to put the wounded less seriously.
During those days, I have seen war. In Benghazi, there were snipers everywhere. I finished flat stomach in the streets, it was carnage. I have revived one of my 6th grade students of medicine, he took a bullet in the head, which was out through the mouth. Like other young, he was gone, shirtless, attacking the government's strategic points. They are ready to die, they do not care, they have no weapons. The first few days, police had piled the dead to impress them, they continued. They want to finish once and for all, they know that this week that the regime falls or never.
Sunday I went to Benghazi with the rest of the French team. But hundreds of foreign nurses, Ukrainian, Indian and the Philippines have remained there and still need to be repatriated. When we left the city, the militia began to flow back to the Sahara. Now, the people expect that Tripoli flip turn. The Embassy of France took us back to the capital. At the airport, bombed, thousands of people wanted to go anywhere. Four of us were able to fly to Brussels on Monday. "
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