CONTROVERSY - It is subject to the "duty of reserve" justifies the Quai d'Orsay ...
A French teacher, working at the French Lycée in Cairo, was recently repatriated by the Quai d'Orsay, after having demonstrated, as millions of Egyptians against Hosni Mubarak reveals BFM TV on Thursday morning. Small detail that certainly has its importance in this case: the professor was holding a sign "Casse-toi pauvre con", referring to the controversial project of Nicolas Sarkozy as an onlooker at the Salon of Agriculture. Nicolas Sarkozy must "give this message to Mubarak," he explained to the camera BFM TV. Spotted by
photographers of the Embassy of France, the official was spotted and punished in some way by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who returned to France for its "security", is justified there.
His wife and children live in Egypt
This man, whose wife and two children live in Egypt, has now disqualification abroad. The Quai d'Orsay said that as a French civil servant, this man has "an obligation of reserve duty."
severity in the matter may appear excessive when the controversy swells on vacation all expenses paid by the Prime Minister of Egypt and Foreign Minister of Tunisia. The latter in particular repeatedly lied about his holiday and its links with a businessman close to Ben Ali of Tunisia.
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