Sent by Tehran, the two ships were preparing to take the Suez Canal.
Israel threatened on Wednesday to "put Iran in its place." This warning, yet no charge has been launched par Avigdor Lieberman le chef de la diplomatie. Selon lui, deux navires de guerre iraniens devaient franchir le canal de Suez dans la soirée pour aller croiser au large de la Syrie en Méditerranée, non loin des côtes israéliennes «pour la première fois depuis plusieurs années». De fait, depuis 1979.
«Il s'agit d'une provocation, de la preuve que les Iraniens se sentent sûrs d'eux-mêmes au point qu'ils se conduisent avec le plus grand culot», a affirmé le chef de la diplomatie sur un ton martial. Selon lui, la communauté internationale «doit comprendre qu'Israël ne pourra pas supporter cette situation éternellement et devra agir avec fermeté». Autrement said, Israel does not use force if Iran carries out its buildings safely in Syria.
In a statement, Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said it had not received notification of the passage of Iranian ships: "The Authority authorizes the ships of any nationality to cross the channel as long their flag belongs to a country not at war against Egypt. "
first step towards Lebanon
This trip could be a first step towards Lebanon, where Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader armed and financed by Iran, which has a dominant position in Beirut, said on Wednesday ready to "invade the Galilee" in case of war with Israel.
Israeli leaders are even less inclined to ignore the Iranian naval maneuvers they worry about the post-Mubarak. The passage of these vessels by the Suez Canal is a sort of test vis-à-vis the Egyptian army, which runs the country. Initially, the Israeli military wanted to be reassuring in welcoming the "cooperation" between the two staffs, but some mistrust is palpable. At the time of Hosni Mubarak, Both countries had established a de facto alliance against Iran. In July 2009 an Israeli submarine crossed the Suez Canal in full sight of the Egyptian authorities to a destination "unknown."
According to foreign military experts, this vehicle class Dauphin, capable of being equipped with nuclear missiles, would have crossed the Gulf, near Iran. At that time, Egypt was alarmed at attempts to destabilize Iran to the Shiite communities scattered in the Gulf. Several members of Hezbollah accused of plotting anti-Israeli attacks on Egyptian soil were arrested and sentenced by courts of Cairo.
The stroke of Avigdor Lieberman in these conditions could help to identify if the Egyptian leaders maintain their policy against Iran's nuclear program and its attempts to extend its influence throughout the Middle East.
only certainty in all cases the project to deploy "one year" of warships off the coast of Syria at the request of the government in Damascus had been mentioned publicly last month by leaders of the Iranian Navy. Israeli officials quoted by Defense Media believe that this project, if confirmed, shows Tehran will also put pressure on the United States and other Western countries for the departure of the naval forces that intersect in the Gulf.
The construction of a French naval base in the UAE and the permanent presence of U.S. Navy in the area have caused "some nervousness" among the Iranian military, these officials say.
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