Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his wife Suzanne in New Delhi, India, November 18, 2008. Reuters / B Mathur
Egypt commotion battle to regain the fortune of Mubarak. The ancient Egyptian rai would have benefited from his days as head of Egypt for the shelter ...
Where are the Mubarak billion? It's good to know what love Vince Cable, the Minister of Innovation and British Expertise. According to several sources, Hosni Mubarak had indeed benefited from his days as head of Egypt to put away his fortune, estimated at between 40 and 70 billion dollars, which include property in the world.
Sunday night, it was announced that the assets of forty-three people were now frozen. These same people, that would include members of the Mubarak family, are forbidden to leave the country. Last week, Switzerland had already frozen the assets of former rais.
Need a formal request from Egypt
But this is not enough for Vince Cable, who has called for international action to recover the billions of dollars that Mubarak would have brought out of Egypt before his resignation. However, the ministry said British Foreign Secretary, such action can be instituted only upon formal request from the Egyptian government, EU or UN.
Such a request from Egypt does not seem close to being done. According to Hisham Batawissi, former Vice-President of the Court Supreme: "The Supreme Military Council is full of people who are loyal to President Mubarak." Only a new government seems likely to do so. But the army has announced that elections would not occur before six months.
Paris "at the disposal of the Egyptian judiciary"
The French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said that Paris was "obviously available to the Egyptian judiciary" to review the situation that assets held in its France ousted the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. She also said she was "confident that this issue will be raised at European level. "
Meanwhile, the former president has lived since Friday in a villa in Sharm el-Sheikh, a popular seaside resort on the Red Sea. And if a number of Gulf countries are preparing to offer him asylum, he seems determined to stay on Egyptian soil as he reiterated Thursday night on state television.
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