The incredible earthquake that struck last few months the Arab countries gives us the opportunity to read or reread a wonderful writer, who made this suffering humanity heroine of his work. His name was Albert Cossery. Born in Cairo in 1913, he studied in French schools of the Egyptian capital.
The forgotten men of God, his first novel, was published in the United States by Henry Miller. Friend Lawrence Durrell, Cossery moved to Paris after the war, in a hotel in Saint-Germain-des-Pres that he did not leave until his death in 2008. His profile was familiar eagle regulars of Café de Flore. "I write so that people who read me did not want to work again tomorrow," murmured the dandy who cultivated the osiveté as a fine art.
In light of the revolutions of Tunis, Cairo and Tripoli, he must delve into his novels. Starting with violence and derision, which is set in a city of the Middle East under the thumb of a tyrant grotesque. A handful of miserable decides to launch a campaign destabilization based on derision.
posters in praise of the dictator appears in the city causing the hilarity of the people ... by Subversion irony, praising freedom, denouncing the abuse of power ... we find there the themes dear to the writer. Cossery Albert is buried in Montparnasse Cemetery, not far from Cioran. There were many commonalities between them.
All books by Albert Cossery were published by Joelle Losfeld.
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